Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.E. from near 66th Street and Freedom Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking S.E. from near 70th Street, also [showing] Lincoln Center.
Park West Village, closer view of three buildings looking N.E. from 97th Street.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.W. from near 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Park West Village, aerial view looking N.E. from near 97th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
West 77th Street and West End Avenue, N.E. corner. West End Collegiate Church.
115 East 67th Street. Garden court.
Park West Village, West View Apartments, view looking N.E. from S.W. corner of 97th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking S.W. from near 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
29 and 33 West 67th Street. 67th Street Studios.
East 67th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. George Gould residence.
Park West Village, aerial view looking N.W. from near 97th Street and Central Park West.
50 West 67th Street. Exterior.
66th Street to 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Lincoln Towers, view looking N.W. from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
27 West 67th Street. Studio building.
115 East 67th Street. Garden from 67th Street through arches.
73rd Street and Broadway. Central Savings Bank, general view from N.E. looking S.W. from 74th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Gracie Gardens, view from roof looking N.E..
West End Avenue at the N.E. corner of West 80th Street.