Rutherford Place. Friends Meeting House and Seminary, 15th to 16th Street, view looking S.W.
East 16th Street and Rutherford Place. Friends Seminary. General exterior view of school and meeting house
144 East 20th Street. Exterior of Friends Meeting House.
235 East 22nd Street at 2nd Avenue, N.W. corner. Apartment house, exterior.
East 15th and 16th Streets and Rutherford Place. Friends Seminary School and Friends Meeting House, bird's-eye view from S.E. on 15th Street.
22nd Street at the N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue. Manhattan Trade School for Girls.
Woolworth Building, basement from N.W. corner looking east to Park Place.
153-161 East 24th Street and 150-158 East 25th Street. Legal record photo, looking east through 25th Street from N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue.
Woolworth Building, [from] Barclay looking N.W.
Woolworth Building, boiler room looking N.W.
Woolworth Building, engine room looking N.W.
153-161 East 24th Street and 150-158 East 25th Street. Legal record photo, view looking N.W. at south front of 153-161 East 24th Street.
[Detail of Friends Meeting House.]
East 15th and 16th Streets and Rutherford Place. Friends Seminary School, view looking west from Stuyvesant Park and East 16th Street.
1964-1965 New York World's Fair, Administration Building, bird's-eye looking N.W. most of building, but not south end, looking N.W.
Roosevelt Avenue. Looking N.W. along north side at N.W. corner of Roosevelt Avenue and Union Street.
Various buildings, looking N.W. on 34th Street.
Woolworth Building, from S.E. corner looking N.W.