183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial school, exterior, construction.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial school, exterior construction.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial school, construction.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue, N.W. corner. Parochial School, exterior [during construction].
183rd Street and Washington Avenue, NW corner. Parochial School, construction [during construction].
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial school.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue, S.W. corner. Parochial School, from S.W. [during construction].
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial School, [during construction]. To show defective work in concrete flooring.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue, S.W. corner. Parochial School, west line of lot [during construction].
183rd Street at the N.E. corner of Ft. Washington Avenue. Ft. Tryon Arms Apartments
East 183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Interior, chapel
East 183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Garage
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Doctor's residence