1370 Sixth Avenue, S.E. corner of 5th Street, detail of lower part.
111 East 56th Street. Lombardy Hotel, general exterior from S.E..
56th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Hotel Langdon.
Broadway at the S.E. corner of 56th Street. The Rockingham.
56th Street and 6th Avenue, S.W. corner. Taxpayer.
55th to 56th Street between 1st Avenue and Sutton Place. From N.W. corner of 56th Street and 1st Avenue, looking S.E. at east side of 1st Avenue and south side of 56th Street.
36th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Looking S.E.
34th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Chemical Bank, general view of entrance.
245 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 28th Street. General exterior.
41st Street and Madison Avenue, S.E. corner. Lefcourt-Colonial Building, general view.
718 5th Avenue at 56th Street. General exterior.
55th Street at the S.E. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
58th Street at the S.E. corner of 6th Avenue. Pencil rendering, general exterior.
Various buildings, view looking S.E. on 34th Street.
347 Madison Avenue and 45th Street, S.E. corner.
39 West 56th Street. General exterior.
View looking S.E. from in front of Park Avenue and 50th Street.
68 East 56th Street. General exterior.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 47th Street looking S.E..
575 Madison Avenue. Looking S.E.