Cooper Square comfort station, exterior.
Cooper Square and Astor Place. View of Cooper Union looking north
Belvedere comfort station.
Cooper Square at monument; copy of old Wurts city view done for Cooper Union publicity
3rd Avenue and 8th Street. Cooper Union, looking north to Astor Place.
Grace Chapel, general exterior of 14th Street side.
6 Washington Square North. Cross residence, exterior.
3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Cooper Union Annex Building.
2nd Avenue and Stuyvesant Street. Protestant Episcopal St. Mark's on the Bouwerie, exterior.
[Cooper Union.]
96th Street. Ramble comfort station.
Washington Place and Washington Square West. Holly Chambers apartments, general exterior view.
Grand Central Parkway. Gas and comfort station. Interior, men's bathroom
122 Riverside Drive. Comfort station at Grant's Tomb.
[Proposal for Cooper Union.]
Emergency station in Brooklyn, exterior.
708 Broadway. General exterior.
East 8th Street and Third Avenue. Cooper Union. Students at Cooper Union working in lab