282-296 East 134th Street. S.H. Pomeroy and Co. plant.
282 East 134th Street. Shelving.
282 East 134th Street. Housewares window.
East 134th Street and Walnut Avenue. Phillips Jones Shirt Factory
Walnut Avenue at the corner of East 134th Street. Phillips Jones Shirt Factory.
W. 134th Street near 7th Avenue. Church Interior - Construction.
Lennox Avenue, Near 134th Street.
East 138th Street and Walnut Avenue. Atlas Baby Carriage Co.
134 East 39th Street. Schmith (?) residence.
Possibly 796 East 176th Street. Biograph Co. office Building, Turner Co. building.
East 52nd Street and 5th Avenue. Plant house.
370 East 149th Street. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., exterior.
Weddings, S.H. Rosenblatt.