36 East 64th Street. Maurice residence.
935 5th Avenue. Mr. S. Reading Berton residence.
5th Avenue and 86th Street. Starr residence.
East 72nd Street next to 5th Avenue. Jennings and Sloane Residence.
71st Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Frick Art Gallery.
1020 5th Avenue at 83rd Street, N.E. corner. Apartment House.
927 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 74th Street. Apartment house.
903 Park Avenue and 79th Street. Apartment building.
East 70th Street. Frick residence, detail end of colonnade.
Jaretzki residence, library.
3 East 64th Street. Mrs. M. Orme ? Wilson [Marshall Orme Wilson residence].
East 70th Street. H.C. Frick residence, iron gates to carriage entrance.
41 Park Avenue. Residence.
2 East 70th Street. Blair residence, detail of entrance.
A. Jaretzki residence, main stairs.
47 East 68th Street. Residence.
19 East 69th Street. Residence.
60 East 91st Street. Residence.