West 56th Street. Mrs. Jackson Giraud residence, Indian room.
[43 West 56th Street.]
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, dining room at windows.
72 East 56th Street. Beck residence.
39 West 56th Street. General exterior.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, dining room at sideboard.
43-45 West 56th Street.
West 56th Street and 7th Avenue. Carnegie Studio Building, 56th Street end.
7-9 West 56th Street. General exterior.
4 East 56th Street.
10 East 56th Street.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, library at mantel.
6 East 56th Street.
104-12 East 56th Street.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, library at windows.
[2 West 56th Street.]
65-67 East 56th Street.
Broadway and West 56th Street. Broadway Tabernacle.
342-4 West 56th Street. Apartment building