277-81 Madison Avenue. Detail of storefront.
979 3rd Avenue. Storefront.
580 Lexington Avenue. Bickford's Restaurant, storefront.
590 5th Avenue. Jaeger Store, storefront.
750-754 2nd Avenue. Tudor City storefronts.
299 Madison Avenue. View looking up Madison Avenue.
774 2nd Avenue. Tudor City, old building storefronts.
362 5th Avenue. Sarnoff's storefront, finished view.
270 Madison Avenue.
618-620 Fifth Avenue. Commercial buildings and storefronts
Fifth Avenue near 38th Street. Emily Shops, storefront
412-416 Madison Avenue.
383-85 Madison Avenue.
383-85 Madison Avenue. .
523-25 Madison Avenue.
345 Madison Avenue. General exterior.
383-87 Madison Avenue. Exterior.
260 Madison Avenue. General view.
209 Madison Avenue. Rectory.
309-313 Madison Avenue.