Wall Street and William Street. National City Bank, taken for World's Work.
55 Wall Street. National City Bank Co., entrance
52 Wall Street. The National City Co., basement stories.
Wall Street. National City Bank Building, pencil rendering by McKim, Mead and White.
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, detail of bank entrance.
[74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings.]
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan Building. Elevated view from 63 Wall Street
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, general view of new bank and front entrance.
National City Bank, 52 Wall Street
Broadway and Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
23 Wall Street. J.P. Morgan Bank, general view of entrance, Hecla-Winslow work.
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, view of entrance.
48 Wall Street #48 at the N.E. corner of William Street. Old Bank of New York.
74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings, flashlight views of depositors cashing Christmas Club checks, also opening new accounts for 1940.
Broad and Beaver Streets. Seaboard National Bank