R.H. Macy and Co., pastry oven.
Broadway and 34th Street. R.H. Macy Co.
34th Street and Broadway. R.H. Macy's Store.
Rendering, R.H. Macy and Co., 7th Avenue extension.
Broadway and 35th Street. R.H. Macy Co.
R.H. Macy & Co., 34th St. & Broadway.
Anable, Manley and Hunters Point Avenue. R.H. Macy and Co. warehouse, general view.
[West] 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Co., first addition, detail basement stories.
R.H. Macy & Co.
R. H. Macy and Co. warehouse, entrance.
West 37th Street. R.H. Macy and Co., first addition, general view, copy negative.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Co. Store. Annex on 34th Street.
[R.H. Macy & Co. Spanish rooms.]
7th Avenue and 34th Street, N.E. corner. R.H. Macy and Co. annex, under construction.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Company Store. Annex on 34th Street
246 West 16th Street. R.H. Casey Co. Building.
[R. H. Macy & Co. annex on 34th Street.]
Lord and Taylor, kitchen, main ranges.