[Proposal for office building.]
[Proposal for twenty-eight story office building.]
[Design for an office building.]
[Building proposal for New York Life Insurance Company.]
Fourteen Story Office Building. 119-121 West 57th Street New York City
330 West 34th Street. Penney Building
[Finck Building.]
[Office buildings on 7th Avenue.]
530 Seventh Avenue. Commercial building
Showing General Motors Outline in Relation to Proposed Building
West 33rd Street. Office Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley.
[James A. Farley Post Office Building.]
246 West 38th Street. Commercial building
West 38th Street and Eighth Avenue. Building construction, steel frame
237-239 West 37th Street. Haas Lefcourt Building
[Crystal Building, 262-268 West 38th Street.]
1 Park Avenue. Office building
10 West 19th Street. Office building.