27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall, American Piano Co. building, detail of top.
27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall, American Piano Company building. Upper stories
27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall
27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall, general view.
West 57th Street. Building.
West 57th Street. Piano stool.
West 57th Street. Steinway Hall, detail of basement.
West 57th Street. American Society of Civil Engineers, Ajax Rubber Co. Building.
West 57th Street. Steinway Hall, detail lower stories.
West 57th Street. Steinway Hall.
152 West 57th Street. Detail of entrance.
28-30 West 57th Street. Commercial building.
24 West 57th Street. Jay-Thorpe Building.
24-26 West 57th Street. J. Thorpe building, front view.
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front entrance hall.