[The Havemeyer House. Southwest Corner of Madison Avenue and 38th Street.]
Residence, Theodore Havemeyer (Sugar Refining King) S.W. 38th & Mad.
[House of John Jacob Astor, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]
[Broadway North from 38th St.]
852 Fifth Ave. & 66th St. [The Residence of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer.]
34th Street and Lexington Ave. N.Y. [Lexington Avenue. Looking South from 34th Street.]
Hotel Navarre, 7th Ave. & 38th Street.
Interiors, Theodore Havemeyer House, Hall.
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
[Fifth Avenue, Thirty-fourth Street, Southwest Corner, Mrs. Astor's House.]
Interiors, Theodore Havemeyer House, Music Room.
Interiors, Theodore Havemeyer House, Dining Room.
Street Scenes. Fifth Avenue, Northeast Corner of 66th Street (Res. of Mrs H.O. Havemeyer), About 1901. 1 East 66th Street.
[Southwest Corner of Madison Ave. & 72nd St.]
Interiors, Theodore Havemeyer House, Picture Gallery.
East 38th Street and Madison Avenue. Fraternity house [Fraternities Club.]