Club, New York Athletic, Travers Island, New York.
New York Yacht Club.
Club, Calumet, Fifth Av. & 29th Street.
Club, 5th Ave. & 63rd St.
Club, Metropolitan, Fifth Ave. & 60th Street. (Gerry Res.).
Club, New York Yacht Club, Madison Ave. Bet. 27 & 28th Streets.
Democratic Club, 50th St. and 5th Ave.
Lotus Club, 5th Ave. and 41st N.Y.
Club, New Jersey Athletic Club, Bergen Point.
Clubs, New York Yacht Club.
Club, Democratic, Fifth Ave. East side 50th St. 49th Streets.
Building, Marbridge Sixth Ave., 34th & 35th Sts.
Clubs, Lotus Club.
Street Vendors, 1900. 20th St. at 6th Ave.
Eldridge T. Gerry, 5th Ave., Metropolitan Club.
Metropoliten Club, 5th Ave. 60th St.
Retail Trade - Dept. Store 1896. Siegel Cooper Co. (Exterior) 6th Ave at 18th St.