The Great Fire at Boston
"Laying Back," - Stiff for a Brush.
On the Wharf
"Hung Up," - With the Starch Out.
Boston with its Environs
Toll - Gate, Jamaica, L.I.
The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor
Toll Gate, Jamaica Plank Road.
The Star of the Road.
North Side View of Chincha Island.
View of Bunker Hill & Monument, June 17, 1843.
Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 11th Dec. 1620. O.S.
Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 11th Dec. 1620.
A Brush on the Road. Mile Heats, Best Two in Three.
American Country Life.
Glengariff Inn.
The Old Stone House. L.I., 1699.
View of Baltimore.