The Great Fire at Boston
On the Wharf
"Hung Up," - With the Starch Out.
"Laying Back," - Stiff for a Brush.
Boston with its Environs
Toll - Gate, Jamaica, L.I.
The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor
Toll Gate, Jamaica Plank Road.
The Star of the Road.
North Side View of Chincha Island.
View of Bunker Hill & Monument, June 17, 1843.
Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 11th Dec. 1620. O.S.
Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 11th Dec. 1620.
Glengariff Inn.
The Old Stone House. L.I., 1699.
American Country Life.
A Brush on the Road. Mile Heats, Best Two in Three.
Preparing for Market.