The Ambassador Hotel, Park Ave. & 50th St., Interior, bathroom.
Hotel Biltmore, Mad. Ave & 43rd Street, Interior, bathroom.
50th Street and 39th Avenue. Phipps garden apartments. Interior, bathroom
Interiors - Bathroom 1902. Edward Brandus, 16 West 88th St.
[Unidentified Bathroom.]
Building, Hotel Ambassador, Park Ave. & 51st Street.
[Interior, bathroom.]
[Residence. Interior, bathroom.]
[Interior, bathroom towards bathtub.]
East 55th Street and 5th Avenue. St. Regis Hotel, bathroom in an ordinary suite.
Street Scenes, Park Avenue, North from 50th Street.
781 Fifth Avenue. Sherry Netherland Hotel. Interior, bathroom
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, bathroom.
French Line, S.S. "France", Interior, Grand de Luxe Suite #61 Bathroom.