Parade, Li Hung Chang.
[Governor's Staff Near Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, Fifth Avenue & 34th Street, Awaiting Li Hung Chang.]
Li Hung Chang, 1896.
Li Hung Chang Leaving Waldorf-Astoria, 1896.
Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, Fifth Avenue & 34th Street.
Parade, Brooklyn Police.
Parade, Prince Louis of Battenberg Visit to New York.
Bicycling, Evening Telegram Parade.
Bicycling Parade, Coney Island, Bicycle Path.
Coaching Parade Central Park, 1894.
Dinner to his Excellency Li Hung Chang Grand Secretary of State, etc., etc., etc. by the Chinese Consul and Chinese Residents of the City of New York
"White Wings" on Parade.
Parade, Dewey (Troop A)(1st Reg.Co.B)(West Point Cadets) Etc.