Certificate of the ability of Cato to get his Living [Deed of manumission.]
Elizabeth O'Neal to Mary Johnson [Deed of manumission.]
[Certificate certifying Thomas Coman as a fire man.]
Mayor William O'Dwyer and the Mayor's Committee cordially invite you to be their guest at a dinner in honour of Major General James M. Gavin
This Certifies that Annie Turner is a member of the West 53rd Street Baptist Sunday School
Waiting for the Negro Elks Parade.
Bull's Head Bank of the City of New York
Negro Elks Parade, Brooklyn.
M. Jullien has the honor to announce that his 23rd and last concert but one at Castle Garden will take place this Friday evening, September 23, 1853
French Line, S.S. "Paris" Passing the Battery, X.
To any Member of the Police Force of the City of New York: Pass Bearer through the Police Lines
Plays, "The Second in Command".
[Invitation to be a guest of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission.]
S.S. "Nieuw Amsterdam" Passing the Battery.
The New York Society Library.
All that is left of the old Rockefeller property.
M. Jullien has the honor to announce that his fifteenth grand concert, vocal & instrumental, in the United States of America, will take place this Wednesday evening, September 14, 1853
A Plan of the Operation of the King's Army under the Command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and East New Jersey
[Resolution that no person will be confirmed as a member of the New York Fire Department unless he can read and write English.]
The Free Academy of the City of New York