New York Worlds Fair, Turkish Building.
New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance Building, general front view, day.
New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance Building, detail front view, day, vertical.
New York Worlds Fair, DuPont Tower, angle view.
1964-1965 New York World's Fair, Administration Building, view along front looking S.W.
New York Worlds Fair, Polish Building, detail from front of figure and base of tower.
New York Worlds Fair, Johns-Manville Building, front entrance view.
New York Worlds Fair, Westinghouse Building, new view finished.
New York Worlds Fair, Food Building #3, wheat stalks, view from east.
New York Worlds Fair, Beechnut Building, curved end at rear.
New York Worlds Fair, RCA Tower, angle view.
New York Worlds Fair, Budd Tower, angle view.
New York Worlds Fair, Plaza of Light, four towers, angle view.
New York Worlds Fair, Glass Products Building, general front view from S.W..
New York Worlds Fair night views, Glass Building.
New York Worlds Fair, New York City Building, bird's eye view.