Leroy and Hudson Street. American Dye Stuff Co., under construction. Laying steel wire re-enforcement concrete floor.
Leroy and Hudson Street. American Dye Stuff Co., under construction. Laying steel wire re-enforcement for concrete floor.
Leroy and Hudson Street. American Dye Stuff Co., under construction. Laying steel wire re-enforcement for concrete flooring.
Leroy and Hudson Street. American Dye Stuff Co., "Industrial Still Life", view to show laying steel wire re-enforcement for concrete flooring.
435 Hudson Street between Leroy and Morton. Nine-story loft, General Dye Stuffs Corporation.
405-421 Hudson Street at Leroy Street, S.W. corner.
Hudson, Clarkson, and Leroy Street. Schweinler Press.
Grove Street and Seventh Avenue. Building construction, steel frame
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. General exterior, under construction.
Hudson Street. St. Luke's Chapel.
446-480 Hudson Street. Tenements.
Hudson, Christopher, Barrow, and Greenwich Street. St. Luke's Chapel, housing.