877 Southern Boulevard. N.Y. Public Library
877 Southern Boulevard. New York Public Library Hunts Point Branch. Children inside library
877 Southern Boulevard. New York Public Library Hunts Point Branch. Children outside library
877 Southern Boulevard. New York Public Library Hunts Point Branch. Interior, children inside
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of Bronze entrance door.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, interior of childrens' library.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of north fountain.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, circulating library, ground floor.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of pole base.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of South fountain.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, north staircase, interior.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, lamp in upper staircase hall.
5th Avenue and West 42nd Street. New York Public Library, fountain in rear.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, detail of colonnade.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of lamp, main lobby.
West 42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, general exterior after cleaning.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, trustees' meeting room.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, exhibition room.