["Perseus" of the Iron Steamboat Co.]
Cotillion Party
American Line, S.S. "New York".
John Stevens
Steam - Boat Empire.
Receipt for towing services for Barge St. Nicholas from Steamboat Syracuse, Dr.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race
The Great Race on the Mississippi
Ships, People's Line, S.S. "C.W. Morse".
A Midnight Race on the Mississippi.
Yachts, International Yacht Race, Excursion Boats Following the Races.
Robert Fulton's Sketch of the Clermont.
Hudson River Day Line, "Albany" Interiors.
"James W. Baldwin"
Steam-Boat Knickerbocker
[S. S. Horation Hall.]
[S. S. "Priscilla".]