["Nina", "Pinta" and "Santa Maria".]
The Ship "Margaret Evans," The Black Cross Line
[French Line, Painting of the S.S. "Normandie".]
[Painting of the S.S. "Normandie" by Adolph Treidier.]
Portrait, Buffalo Bill (William Cody) on Favorite Horse.
[Jeannette Park.]
A View of the East River taken from the Seat of Mr. Buchanan
Portrait, Mr. Reginald de Koven's Residence Interiors & Painting.
[Swedish American Line, S.S. "Stockholm".]
[The "Tusilata".]
[The Tusitala.]
[The "Yantic".]
[Building the "Viola".]
[Ship, the "Cuba".]
[Six views of the Charles W. Morgan, last of the whalers.]
Sailboats Near Pelham Bridge