[U.S.S. "Granite State" at West 97th Street, New York City.]
[U.S.S. "Granite State" after fire.]
[U.S.S. "Columbia".]
H. M .S.S "Tartar", "Magiciene", "Australia", and U.S.S "Newark", West 94th Street.
U.S.S. "Illinois" and Wharf: Armory for Naval Reserves
U.S.S. Akron
U.S.S. "Illinois" and Wharf: Armory for Naval Reserves [Variant]
U.S.S. "Illinois" and Launch: Armory for Naval Reserves
[U. S. "Brooklyn" on the Hudson River.]
[U.S. "Raleigh" on the Hudson River.]
[S. S. Normandie on fire.]
[Normandie fire.]