[Fleet in Hudson River.]
[Ship on the Hudson.]
[Hendrick Hudson.]
[Captains cabin on the Hendrick Hudson.]
[Captains Cabin on the Hendrick Hudson.]
Hudson River.
[Ships on the Hudson River.]
[Hudson River Piers.]
[U. S. "Brooklyn" on the Hudson River.]
[A. Ship on the Hudson River ; B. The "Albany" on the Hudson River.]
Hudson River Day Line Steamer "Albany"
Hudson River by Moonlight.
[Robert Fulton.]
Hudson River, near Poughkeepsie.
[U.S. "Raleigh" on the Hudson River.]
In September 1609, Henry Hudson, sailing in the "Half Moon," discovered the Hudson River.
[Robert Fulton at Storm King.]
[Tugboats on the Hudson River.]