Grove Street and Washington Place, S.E. corner. Sheridan Square, record photo.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from curb on Sheridan Square by Corn Exchange Bank looking north.
View from corner of Grove Street and Sheridan Square by Corn Exchange Bank, looking east through Grove Street.
View from near entrance to Sheridan Square Park on west end looking S.W. down Washington Place and showing block front of south side of Grove Street between Washington Place and 7th Avenue.
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. General exterior, under construction.
10 Sheridan Square at the corner of Washington Place and Grove Street. Progress view of The Shenandoah.
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. View, from roof of 224 West 4th Street alongside Greenwich Village Theatre looking south through Washington Place, 12:18pm.
10 Sheridan Square. Legal record for Board of Appeals, from south side Barrow Street between West 4th Street and Washington Place, looking north at Sheridan Square, 10:57am.
10 Sheridan Square. View from building at N.E. corner [of] Christopher Street and 7th Avenue, 11:27am.
46-62 Goodwin Place. View looking S.W. at S.W. corner of Grove Street and Goodwin place.
View from N.E. corner of job next to 86 Grove Street looking northwest at Greenwich Village Theatre and west on Grove Street.
View from N.W. corner [of] Christopher Street and 7th Avenue looking east towards 10 Sheridan Square, 3:47pm.
Washington Place and Grove Street, southeast corner. Construction site
10 Sheridan Square. Legal record for Board of Appeals, from near entrance looking south at Sheridan Square. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Sheridan Square, 11:13am.
405-421 Hudson Street at Leroy Street, S.W. corner.
[Washington Place and Grove Street. Apartment building.]
80 5th Avenue and 14th Street, S.W. corner. .
16 Minetta Street. View looking S.W. along foundation under north wall to 14 Minetta, street shows foundation overbuild line also cracks. . .
497-501 West Street at the S.E. corner of Jane Street. .
Grove Street and Sheridan Square. Corn Exchange Bank