[F.D.N.Y.'s High Pressure Company.]
[Men reading a publication of the F.D.N.Y.]
[F.D.N.Y. fire wagon.]
Horses in the N.Y.F.D.
William E. Lawrence Jr. Chief 47th Battalion N.Y.F.D.
20 Truck, N.Y. 08
[Station of Engine Company 171.]
N. Y. F. D. 37
Chief Worth 3rd Battalion, N.Y. F.D. 1908
Engine Co. 20
Exhibition of Ladder Raising. F.D., N.Y. City
Engine Company 55
[Early fire engine in front of the station for Engine Company 39.]
20 Truck N.Y.
[Fire engine for Rescue Company 1.]
By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12
20 Truck '08 N.Y.
20 Truck - N.Y. Fire Dept. 1908
Horse Tender and Engine Responding to Alarm, N.Y. City
[Firemen outside of station for Engine Company 30.]