[Aerial Hook and Ladder Truck.]
Hook and Ladder Truck Going to a Fire
[New York Fire Department Water Tower.]
[Motorized fire truck.]
[Ahrens-Fox fire truck.]
Fire Department, City of New York
New Motor Propelled Fire Engine, New York
New York Fire Department
Hook and Ladder Truck and Parade N.Y. City
[Horse-drawn vehicle of the Fire Department.]
Fire Engine at Work, New York
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 10
City Departments, Fires & Firefighting, Emergency Truck.
City Departments, Fires & Firefighting, Fire Engine No. 72.
[Hook and Ladder No. 1.]
New York Fire Department Relief Fund
Hook and Ladder in Action
New York Fire Department - Gherardi Davis - Fire Lines No. 522
Hook and Ladder in Action.