[Last day of Madison Avenue horse cars.]
Fifth Av. & 35th St. S.W; [Madison Avenue horse car.]
[Horse car.]
Closed Cars [Four-window horse-drawn streetcar.]
Closed Cars [Grand Central Depot streetcar, Madison & 4th Avenue to Astor Place.]
[Bartow-City Island horse car.]
[City Island horse car.]
[Long Island City horse car.]
Closed Cars [Camden Horse Railroad Co. streetcar, Camden, New Jersey.]
Closed Cars [Covington & Cincinnati No. 9 streetcar, Madison Avenue and Suspension Bridge, Kentucky Central Railroad Depot.]
Horse Show 1899 Madison Square Garden.
Closed Cars [Larchmont Horse Railway Co. No. 3 streetcar, Larchmont Manor.]
Madison Avenue Stage Line
Fare-box Cars [Covington & Cincinnati No. 9 streetcar, Madison Avenue and Suspension Bridge, Kentucky Central Railroad Depot.]
Horse Show, Madison Square Garden.
Summer Cars [Jennings Avenue No. 157 streetcar.]
[Last horse-car trip, Bleecker Street.]
Electric Cars [Covington and Cincinnati streetcar, Madison Avenue, with Short motor.]