Grove Street and Washington Place, S.E. corner. Sheridan Square, record photo.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from north side to Grove Street looking S.W. through Washington Place and Sheridan Square, 11:43am.
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. View, from roof of 224 West 4th Street alongside Greenwich Village Theatre looking south through Washington Place, 12:18pm.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from curb on Sheridan Square by Corn Exchange Bank looking north.
Washington Place and Grove Street, southeast corner. Construction site
497-501 West Street at the S.E. corner of Jane Street. .
10 Sheridan Square at the corner of Washington Place and Grove Street. Progress view of The Shenandoah.
96th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
76th Street at the S.E. corner of Park Avenue. General exterior.
754 Broadway at 8th Street, S.E. corner. Manhattan Savings Bank, general view to show electric signs.
55th Street at the S.E. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
754 Broadway at 8th Street, S.E. corner. Manhattan Savings Bank, general view at dusk to show new electric signs.
4th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 18th Street. General exterior.
2446 Creston Avenue at the S.E. corner of 188th Street. General exterior.
East 72nd Street at the S.E. corner of Park Avenue. General exterior.
912-20 Broadway at the S.E. corner of 21st Street. General exterior.
74th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
66th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
588 Fox Street at the S.E. corner of St. John's Avenue. General exterior.