[Hospital at 99th Street.]
Fifth Avenue at 99th Street. Mt. Sinai Hospital. Blumenthal Auditorium
99th Street and Fifth Avenue. Mt. Sinai Hospital, Private Pavilion
[170 West 99th Street]
[Fifth Avenue from 99th to 101st Street. Mount Sinai Hospital. Operating room.]
[West End Avenue and 99th Street.]
[99th Street and Broadway, looking north.]
[Park Avenue between 98th and 99th Street.]
Fifth Avenue from 99th to 101st Street. Mount Sinai Hospital. Children's recreation hall
Fifth Avenue between 98th and 99th Street [Fifth Avenue, 57th Street to 101st Street]
Looking east, Riverside Drive and 99th Street, northeast corner.
808 West End Avenue at West 99th Street. Allendale Apartments. Interior
The Glen Cairn, 99th St. & Riverside Drive
Amsterdam Avenue at the corner of West 99th Street. St. Michael's Protestant Episcopal Church.
St. Michael's Church. View of the tower from 99th Street.