East 14th Street. Original Steinway Hall.
East 14th Street. Grace Chapel.
Grace Chapel, general exterior of 14th Street side.
East 14th Street. Grace Chapel, courtyard.
Interior of Steinway Hall on 14th Street, Theodore Thomas and his Orchestra, April 17, 1890.
[Steinway Hall, 109-111 East 14th Street.]
14th Street and 5th Avenue. Lane's Store Lerner, 14th Street entrance.
14th Street. Academy of Music, orchestra on stage.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking S.E. from rear. Interior.
14th Street and 4th Avenue. German Savings Bank.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking north from south end interior.
2nd Avenue at the N.E. corner of 14th Street. Mechanics and Metals Bank.
5th Avenue and 14th Street. Loft building.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander and Co. Office, section center interior.
[125 West 14th Street. 9th Regiment Armory.]
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Ground floor, general view long.
West 57th Street. Steinway Hall.
406 East 14th Street. Grace Chapel [Immaculate Conception.] Fountain
14th Street and 4th Avenue. German Savings Bank, interior.