Barron's Fire, Franklin and West B'way, N.Y.C.
On Watch 20 Truck 1908.
[Firemen posing by a fire hydrant.]
[Five alarm fire at 8th Street and Broadway.]
[5 alarm fire at 8th Street and Broadway.]
[Fireman at desk]
"The Alarm" Fire Dept. N.Y. City
20 Truck 08 [Fireman with horse]
H[ook] & L[adder] Co. 20
[Fire fighters fighting fire on West Houston Street.]
20 Truck N.Y.
Batt. Chief Worth and Staff of 20 Truck
[Apartments on fire.]
[Building on fire.]
[Fire fighters on early fire engine.]
20 Truck '08 N.Y.
20 Truck N.Y. 08