1060 5th Avenue. Apartments.
1120 5th Avenue. Apartment building, general exterior.
5th Avenue and 96th Street. Apartment building, general exterior.
945 5th Avenue. Apartment building, exterior.
955 5th Avenue. Apartments exterior.
945 5th Avenue. Apartments.
955 5th Avenue. Apartments.
1056 5th Avenue. General exterior, residence.
1034 5th Avenue. General exterior.
1136 5th Avenue. Apartment house.
880 5th Avenue and 69th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments, exterior.
1035 5th Avenue and 85th Street, S.E. corner. Apartments exterior.
965 5th Avenue. Apartments, entrance lobby.
12 5th Avenue. Apartments, general exterior.
66th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
74th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
950 5th Avenue at 76th Street. Apartments.
880 5th Avenue. Apartments.