[The Williamsburg Housing Development.]
[Aerial View of Hard Luck Town, a shantytown.]
[Hard Luck Town- East 9th Street and the East River.]
[President Roosevelt's town house.]
[Pretzel stand in the Jewish section of the East Side.]
[Bill Smith, the "mayor" of Hard Luck Town.]
[Outdoor art exhibit in Washington Square.]
[Spectators at sidewalk art show.]
[Bronx County Court House.]
[New Hunter College.]
[George Washington Bridge.]
[The Cornell Medical Center.]
[Exterior view of the Museum of Art building.]
[Pulitzer or World Building.]
[Temple Emanu-El.]
[Merrymakers in New Year Saturnalia.]
[Easter Sunday.]
[Digging in on biggest job.]
[New York Public Library.]
[Opening of Park Lane Gardens.]