Dining room in the house of Charles Dana Gibson.
Dining room in the Joseph Pulitzer house.
40 West 74th Street. E. Haas residence, dining room at window.
[Possibly 1007] 5th Avenue. [William A] Hall Residence, dining room.
19 East 80th Street. Harry Pelham Robbins residence, dining room.
Bernard Benson [residence]. From dining room to living room.
[Possibly 1007] 5th Avenue. [William A.] Hall Residence, dining room.
[Dining room of 240 East 68th Street.]
Richard F. Lawrence [residence]. Vista thru living room to dining room.
835 5th Avenue. Dining room.
Bernard Benson [residence]. General view, dining room.
47 East 68th Street. Anson M. Beard residence, dining room.
521 Park Avenue. Mrs. Albert H. Wiggin's apartment, dining room.
Richard Bernhard [residence]. Dining room to fireplace.
Richard Bernhard [residence]. Dining room to windows.
667 Madison Avenue. William A. DuBois apartment, dining room.
Bernard Benson [residence]. Dining room window.
19 East 80th Street. Harry Pelham Robbins residence, dining room at mantel.
Bernard Benson [residence]. Dining room fireplace.
East 52nd Street. Brewster residence, dining room.