[Reception room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Drawing room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Second-floor sitting room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Drawing room in the Auchmuty House, 61 University Place.]
[Carriage at the house of Miss Phobe Pearsall.]
Wilton Lloyd Smith [residence]. Guest room detail.
[Old houses on West Washington Place.]
Washington Square. NYU, Graduate Arts Center. Interior, browsing room
Hawx's Hair Cutting Rooms
[Schermerhorn residence, 101 Universitry Place.]
The Van Nest House in Greenwich Village
[House in Greenwich Village.]
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Guest room toward beds.
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Guest room toward fireplace.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence]. North guest room toward fireplace.
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Detail of guest room fireplace.
Nicolas E. Bates [residence]. Guest room toward beds.