[Reception room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Drawing room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Guest room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Second-floor sitting room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Drawing room in the Auchmuty House, 61 University Place.]
[Ladies' Reception room of Erskine Hewitt's house.]
Whitelaw Reid House. Reception room.
Washington Square. NYU, Graduate Arts Center. Interior, browsing room
Whitelaw Reid House. Reception room, detail of ceiling.
Reception room in the Percy Rivington Pyne house.
Allerton House, 143 East 39th St., Interior, Reception Room.
[Old houses on West Washington Place.]
39 W. 12th St. Our Room 1892.
[Schermerhorn residence, 101 Universitry Place.]
[Carriage at the house of Miss Phobe Pearsall.]
Hawx's Hair Cutting Rooms
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. General offices, reception room.
The Van Nest House in Greenwich Village