[Drawing room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Reception room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Guest room of the Auchmuty House.]
[Drawing room in the Auchmuty House, 61 University Place.]
Second floor sitting room [23 Madison Square North, 1905.]
Christadora House, Ave. B & 9th St. Staff sitting room.
Mrs. Spence's School. Fifth floor sitting room.
Sitting Room of the Daughter of the House
Living room in the house of Charles Dana Gibson.
Second floor of the Joseph Pulitzer house.
[Bingham House landing on second floor.]
[Carriage at the house of Miss Phobe Pearsall.]
[Residence. Interior, sitting room.]
Thomas Cochrane [residence]. Sitting room.
[Sitting room.]
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Sitting Room.]