[Salon of George S. Brewster's mansion.]
[Interior of George S. Brewster's mansion.]
[Library of George S. Brewster's mansion.]
[Detail of doorway in George S. Brewster's mansion.]
[Entrance to George S. Brewster's mansion.]
East 52nd Street. Brewster residence, dining room.
835 5th Avenue. Dining room.
47 East 68th Street. Anson M. Beard residence, dining room.
810 5th Avenue. Mrs. G. Amsinck residence, dining room, detail of mantel.
19 East 80th Street. Harry Pelham Robbins residence, dining room at mantel.
Dining room in the Joseph Pulitzer house.
Dining room of the Payne Whitney house.
810 5th Avenue. Mrs. G. Amsinck residence, dining room.
Dining room in the Percy Rivington Pyne house.
Interior, Dining Room, Residence of George Scarborough, St. George S.I.
23 West 76th Street. Carl Boker residence, dining room.
The Dining Room
[Interior of Gracie Mansion.]
Dining Room.