[The evolution of cars used on the first elevated railroads in New York City.]
[Steam locomotive, "Centennial", built in 1876.]
Steam Locomotives [Railroad yard, Kroeger factory in background]
[Base and inscription for Abraham de Peyster Statue, steam locomotive on elevated railroad in the background]
Elevated Railroad, New York.
[First elevated railroad.]
Elevated Electric Railroad, New York.
The First Locomotive and Train of Passenger-Cars Ever Run in the State of New York.
Life and Love on the New York City Subway [Stairs to an elevated railroad.]
New York. Elevated railroad
Life and Love on the New York City Subway [Men on staircase to an elevated railroad.]
The New York Elevated Railroad Company
Life and Love on the New York City Subway [Stairs to an elevated railroad and streetscape with an elevated railroad.]
Life and Love on the New York City Subway [Streetscape with an elevated railroad.]
Elevated Railroad on Bowery, New York.
[Elevated railroad station.]