[Interior of Cass Gilbert's Office.]
[Interior of the office of Carrere & Hastings.]
[Men in an office's waiting room.]
[Interior of an office or a bank.]
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, library at windows.
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, library at mantel.
[Unidentified group portrait.]
11 Broadway. Gilbert Eliot Inc. stockbrokers. Interior, private office
Phillips house, detail of bookcase in library.
[Interior, office.]
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, detail of screen in main reading room.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence, library.
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, dining room, cupboard.
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, dining room with mantel.