[Placing truss on trailer.]
[Cutting through trusses.]
[Cutting through trusses of the Third Avenue El between 6th and 7th Streets.]
[9th Street Station being dismantled.]
[Third Avenue El from 27th Street.]
[Cutting rails.]
[Removing sections of ties.]
[Cutting through trusses of the Third Avenue El, north of 6th Street.]
[Trucking away salvaged sections of steel rail.]
[Removal of sections of rail.]
[Sawing through supports of catwalk, after railing has been removed.]
[Cutting through trusses of the Third Avenue El near Cooper Square.]
[Third Avenue El.]
[Cutting the rails of the Third Avenue El.]
[The operator of the crane.]
[Removal of catwalk and trucking away salvaged lumber.]
[Elevated train from Astor Place and Fourth Avenue.]
[Third Avenue El at 7th Street.]