[Burnside Avenue.]
[Estate in Flushing.]
[Boscobel Avenue showing Huber property on right and new subway station on left.]
[Westchester Avenue and Leland Avenue.]
[Randall Avenue near Sound View.]
[Hunt Mansion.]
[Randall and Balton Avenues, Clason Point.]
[Zbrowski Mansion.]
[Clason Point, Randall Avenue near Sound View Avenue.]
[Lorillard Mansion.]
[Delafield Mansion.]
[Underhill Avenue, near Randall Avenue.]
[Public library on Shakespeare Avenue.]
[Thieriot Avenue.]
[View from Huber property on Anderson Avenue.]
[Lorillard Mansion, Bronx Park.]
[William H. Morris Mansion.]
[Old Gouveneur Morris Mansion.]