[Building on fire.]
Jackson Fire Engine Company 24 Tenth Annual Ball
Annual Ball of the Washington Fire Engine Co. No. 20
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. XII
321-323 Church St. New York. 321 Church St. View Looking N.E. Along South Front on Lispenard Street & Showing Bulge in Wall at Leader and East Edge of Building
Hudson Street. Western Union Building, detail of base on Hudson Street.
[24 Walker Street- Walker-Lispenard Building.]
60 Hudson Street. Western Union Building.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building.
Canal and Varick Street. Holland Plaza Building, main entrance lobby.
Hudson Street. Western Union Building, detail of entrance.
[Firemen outside station for Engine 27]
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building, engine room.
Annual Hop of the Perry Hose Co. No. 23
Thirteenth Annual Soiree of Howard Engine Co., No. 34