Horses, Hansom Cab (Erie Railroad).
Ira Brown, Hansom Cabs
[Electric Cab in Snow.]
[Madison Square with hansom cabs.]
[Hansom cabs on 5th Avenue.]
Hansom Cab [Street Types of New York.]
Horses, Cab Driver.
Untitled [Couple by magazine stand, with cab in background, Union Square]
Hansom Cab [Rosemarie de Paris horse-drawn delivery carriage.]
Hansom Cab [Two sailors and a woman in a carriage outside the Plaza Hotel.]
Hansom Cab [Two sailors and a woman in a horse-drawn carriage outisde the Plaza Hotel.]
Hansom Cab [Boy watching two sailors and a woman in a carriage outside the Plaza Hotel.]
Hansom Cab [Rosemarie de Paris horse-drawn delivery carriage seen through a glass door.]
[Cab Calloway.]