[Early car in front of Hotel Empire.]
[Cars in front of the Vanderbilt House.]
Car Barn. [Car barn with horses in foreground.]
64th Street and Broadway. Hotel Empire.
305 West End Avenue. Hotel Esplanade, redecorated dining room, view at front windows, east wall.
Hotel Empire at Lincoln Center.
Automobile (Cars).
[A classic car in front of 15 East 41st Street.]
[Couple in front of apartments near Riverside Drive.]
Hotel Esplanade, lobby.
Hotel Esplanade, bedroom.
[Couple loading food into an early car.]
Auburn Sales Co., Cord Front Drive Car Exhibit, one car.
Hotel Esplanade, living room.
37-41 West 86th Street. Hotel Hortense, bathroom in Margolies apartment.
Auburn Sales Co., Cord Front Drive Car Exhibit, two cars.
Hotel Marseilles, 103rd St. & Bway.
305 West End Avenue. Hotel Esplanade, living room in apartment 14E, general view.
305 West End Avenue. Esplanade Hotel, view of roof garden, detail of corner penthouse.