667 Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Jewish Center
Brooklyn Nobody Knows [Union Temple of Brooklyn, 17 Eastern Parkway.]
The Temple of Solomon.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Temple House, general view.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Temple exterior, 2:00 p.m.
535 West 123rd Street. Jewish Theological Seminary, synagogue interior.
[Catholic Mass in Staten Island.]
Beth Elohim Temple House. Sunday school classroom.
[Groundbreaking ceremony for a Jewish center and synagogue.]
Beth Elohim Temple House. Lobby.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Auditorium (unfinished).
Beth Elohim Temple House. Auditorium foyer.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Gymnasium (unfinished).
Montefiore Hospital, Orthodox Jews Holding Prayer Servives in the Chapel.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Dr. Lyon's study.
Eastern Parkway and Classon Avenue. Girls Catholic High School, Bishop McDonnell M.H.S.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Social hall.
Beth Elohim Temple House. General lounge.
Beth Elohim Temple House. Men's lounge.