At the Plaster Mill, New Brighton, S.I.
[Old mill.]
Old Mill, Coney Island.
[Lorillard Mill.]
Snuff Mills Bronx.
[Tide mill near Flushing.]
[Snuff Mill, Bronx Park.]
[Left by the Tide- Staten Island Scene.]
[Tremont Mills.]
[Lorillard Mill, Bronx Park.]
[Watercolor of Reid's Mill.]
Lorillards Snuff Mill on the Bronx River
[Mill stones in alley known as Mill Lane.]
[Old Mill on the Bronx River.]
The Old Mill - Dam.
[Van Cortlandt Mill.]
Mills House No. 1, outside view.
Portrait, Miss Beatrice Mills.
[Walls of the old Snuff Mill on the Bronx River.]